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The Plants & Flowers Collection: Includes 4 Exclusive Full-Color Prints

Author: Kathryn Hennessy & Victoria Wiggins, eds

The Plants & Flowers Collection: Includes 4 Exclusive Full-Color Prints

Author: Kathryn Hennessy & Victoria Wiggins, eds

Item #: D70887
Format: Laminated Cover
Pages: 96
Publication Date: 2013
Publisher: DK Publishing
ISBN: 9781465418685
Vividly illustrated with hundreds of captioned color photos against white backgrounds, this oversized book is like a natural history museum between two covers. From simple, primitive species like liverworts and mosses to towering conifers and lush flowering plants, this is a dazzling overview of the diverse flora found all over the world, compiled by experts... More
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Vividly illustrated with hundreds of captioned color photos against white backgrounds, this oversized book is like a natural history museum between two covers. From simple, primitive species like liverworts and mosses to towering conifers and lush flowering plants, this is a dazzling overview of the diverse flora found all over the world, compiled by experts in the field. The book also includes 11 × 14–inch color prints of four particularly beautiful specimens—the Madonna lily, blue plantation lily, monk's hood cactus, and Chinese hibiscus—trimmed with colorful borders and suitable for framing.

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