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A Quick History Of Politics: From Pharaohs to Fair Votes

Author: Clive Gifford.

A Quick History Of Politics: From Pharaohs to Fair Votes

Author: Clive Gifford.

$14.99 $5.98
Item #: D34123
Format: Paperback
Pages: 128
Publication Date: 2021
Publisher: Wide Eyed
ISBN: 9780711262744
What do you think of when you hear "politics?" Is it gray-haired men in suits, shouting at each other in a big room? Well, you're partly right, but there's more to it. This humorous look at government for readers 9 to 12 explains the important stuff, like elections and getting your voice heard. On the silly side, here too are stories of the women who used ju... More
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What do you think of when you hear "politics?" Is it gray-haired men in suits, shouting at each other in a big room? Well, you're partly right, but there's more to it. This humorous look at government for readers 9 to 12 explains the important stuff, like elections and getting your voice heard. On the silly side, here too are stories of the women who used ju-jitsu to campaign for equal rights, the dictator who banned beards, and the rhino that became a council member in Brazil.

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