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African Proverbs For All Ages

Author: Johnnetta Betsch Cole & Nelda LaTeef.

African Proverbs For All Ages

Author: Johnnetta Betsch Cole & Nelda LaTeef.

$19.99 $5.98
Rating stars - no reviews
Item #: D34493
Format: Hardback
Pages: 40
Publication Date: 2021
Publisher: Roaring Brook
ISBN: 9981250756060
"Traveling leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller," observes a Moroccan proverb. It has been said that a proverb is a short sentence based on long experience, and this collection makes the point admirably for readers 4 and up. Originating in such locales as Sudan, Ghana, Madagascar, Senegal, and Uganda, these nuggets of profound yet practic... More
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"Traveling leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller," observes a Moroccan proverb. It has been said that a proverb is a short sentence based on long experience, and this collection makes the point admirably for readers 4 and up. Originating in such locales as Sudan, Ghana, Madagascar, Senegal, and Uganda, these nuggets of profound yet practical wisdom are complemented by Nelda LaTeef's resplendent ink, acrylic, and collage images of African villages and landscapes.

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