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Baseball Cop

Author: Eddie Dominguez.

Baseball Cop

Author: Eddie Dominguez.

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Rating stars - no reviews
Item #: D32083
Format: Hardback
Pages: 304
Publication Date: 2018
Publisher: Hachette
ISBN: 9780316483971
In the wake of 2005's congressional hearings on performance-enhancing drugs in baseball and the subsequent Mitchell Report, Major League Baseball established the Department of Investigations (DOI). Former Boston cop Eduardo Dominguez Jr. was a founding member of that first DOI team, which included a 9/11 hero, a mob-buster, and narcotics experts. Sharing his... More
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In the wake of 2005's congressional hearings on performance-enhancing drugs in baseball and the subsequent Mitchell Report, Major League Baseball established the Department of Investigations (DOI). Former Boston cop Eduardo Dominguez Jr. was a founding member of that first DOI team, which included a 9/11 hero, a mob-buster, and narcotics experts. Sharing his insights from the shady side of the nation's pastime, Dominguez delves into the 2013 Biogenesis scandal, the perilous trafficking of Cuban players, and the widespread theft of prospects' signing bonuses.

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