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Author: Alisa Smith.


Author: Alisa Smith.

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Item #: D30986
Format: Hardback
Pages: 272
Publication Date: 2019
Publisher: St. Martin's
ISBN: 9781250097859
Lieutenant Lena Stillman has been left, nearly alone, on her code-breaking mission in remote Alaska. World War II has been over for a month, but due to crimes committed a lifetime ago, Lena is still under the control of the powerful Miss Maggie. Shaken by her role in the disappearance of Corporal Link Hughes—and by her own misjudgment of him—Lena... More
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Lieutenant Lena Stillman has been left, nearly alone, on her code-breaking mission in remote Alaska. World War II has been over for a month, but due to crimes committed a lifetime ago, Lena is still under the control of the powerful Miss Maggie. Shaken by her role in the disappearance of Corporal Link Hughes—and by her own misjudgment of him—Lena yearns for redemption. In this sequel to Speakeasy, she receives a message containing Link's potential location: Siam. Embarking on a clandestine rescue mission to Bangkok, Lena finds it impossible to know who is good or bad, and whether they are motivated by love or revenge.

"Smith regales the reader with a tale of adventure and intrigue, meticulously anchored in its place and time."—Publishers Weekly

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