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High Fliers: Airmen Of Achievement In Wartime

Author: Philip Kaplan.

High Fliers: Airmen Of Achievement In Wartime

Author: Philip Kaplan.

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Item #: D32368
Format: Paperback
Pages: 240
Publication Date: 2018
Publisher: Skyhorse
ISBN: 9781510705135
There were two kinds of pilots involved in the action during World War II: those who took the lead, and those who went along for the ride. Seeking what made the best of these fliers so bold and successful, Philip Kaplan delves into their training, their missions, and their distinct camaraderie, while profiling a roster of both Allied and Axis airmen that inc... More
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There were two kinds of pilots involved in the action during World War II: those who took the lead, and those who went along for the ride. Seeking what made the best of these fliers so bold and successful, Philip Kaplan delves into their training, their missions, and their distinct camaraderie, while profiling a roster of both Allied and Axis airmen that includes Brian Kingcome, Adolf Galland, Jack Currie, Al Deere, and "Sailor" Malan.

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