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In The Houses Of Their Dead: The Lincolns the Booths and the Spirits

Author: Terry Alford.

In The Houses Of Their Dead: The Lincolns the Booths and the Spirits

Author: Terry Alford.

$27.95 $6.98
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Item #: D41367
Format: Hardback
Pages: 320
Publication Date: 2022
Publisher: Liveright
ISBN: 9781631495601
In the 1820s, two families, unknown to each other, farmed in the American wilderness. It seemed unlikely that the families would ever meet?and yet, they did. The son of one family, John Wilkes Booth, killed the son of the other, President Abraham Lincoln. The murder, however, did not come without warning?in fact, it had been foretold. This is the first book ... More
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In the 1820s, two families, unknown to each other, farmed in the American wilderness. It seemed unlikely that the families would ever meet?and yet, they did. The son of one family, John Wilkes Booth, killed the son of the other, President Abraham Lincoln. The murder, however, did not come without warning?in fact, it had been foretold. This is the first book to focus on the president's fascination with Spiritualism, and to demonstrate how it linked him to the man who would kill him.

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