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Math Without Numbers

Author: Milo Beckman.

Math Without Numbers

Author: Milo Beckman.

$27.00 $7.98
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Item #: D31435
Format: Hardback
Pages: 203
Publication Date: 2021
Publisher: Dutton
ISBN: 9781524745547
The three main branches of abstract math—topology, analysis, and algebra—turn out to be surprisingly easy to grasp, posits Milo Beckman, who invites us to think creatively about symmetries and proofs, the infinite and the infinitesimal. In this exhilarating guide to the math that makes the world tick and the planets revolve, Beckman explains how ... More
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The three main branches of abstract math—topology, analysis, and algebra—turn out to be surprisingly easy to grasp, posits Milo Beckman, who invites us to think creatively about symmetries and proofs, the infinite and the infinitesimal. In this exhilarating guide to the math that makes the world tick and the planets revolve, Beckman explains how the truth of mathematics is actually decided, whether there is anything bigger than infinity, and why is there a million dollar prize for counting shapes.

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