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Operation Swallow: American Soldiers' Remarkable Escape From Berga Co

Author: Mark Felton.

Operation Swallow: American Soldiers' Remarkable Escape From Berga Co

Author: Mark Felton.

$28.00 $6.98
Rating stars - no reviews
Item #: D33810
Format: Hardback
Pages: 304
Publication Date: 2019
Publisher: Center Street
ISBN: 9781546076445
For many decades after World War II, one of the war's most remarkable escapes remained a secret, but here the author of Ghost Riders and Castle of the Eagles finally pays tribute to the courage of Hans Kasten, Joe Little, and Ernst Sinner. Captured in 1944, these American GIs were forced into slave labor at the Berga concentration camp. While standing up the... More
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For many decades after World War II, one of the war's most remarkable escapes remained a secret, but here the author of Ghost Riders and Castle of the Eagles finally pays tribute to the courage of Hans Kasten, Joe Little, and Ernst Sinner. Captured in 1944, these American GIs were forced into slave labor at the Berga concentration camp. While standing up their S.S. captors, these valiant POWs plotted a bold escape, but as Mark Felton details here, these young men had an even greater challenge head of them.

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