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Outdoor School: Animal Watching: The Difinitive Interactive Nature Guide

Author: Mary Kay Carson.

Outdoor School: Animal Watching: The Difinitive Interactive Nature Guide

Author: Mary Kay Carson.

$14.99 $6.98
Item #: D32202
Format: Paperback
Pages: 448
Publication Date: 2021
Publisher: Odd Dot
ISBN: 9781250230836
Open your door and step outside—you've just entered Outdoor School. This midsized field guide for readers 10 and up is packed with information and illustrations. It's also interactive, offering checkboxes and plenty of space for your notes and drawings, with flexible bindings and metal clad corners for durability—perfect for stuffing in a backpac... More
No longer available

Open your door and step outside—you've just entered Outdoor School. This midsized field guide for readers 10 and up is packed with information and illustrations. It's also interactive, offering checkboxes and plenty of space for your notes and drawings, with flexible bindings and metal clad corners for durability—perfect for stuffing in a backpack and taking into the wild. In sections on Birds, Mammals, Reptiles and Amphibians, and Fish, the book will have you tracking animals in no time. You'll recognize birds by silhouette, size, and color; identify sounds in the wild; spot nests and burrows; note marks and scat; and record animal behavior.

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