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Sit Stay Heal: What Dogs Can Teach Us About Living Well

Author: Renee Alsarraf.

Sit Stay Heal: What Dogs Can Teach Us About Living Well

Author: Renee Alsarraf.

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Item #: D40955
Format: Hardback
Pages: 256
Publication Date: 2022
Publisher: HarperOne
ISBN: 9780063215221
After years of work as a veterinary oncologist, Dr. Renee Alsarraf was diagnosed with cancer herself. In this insightful and uplifting book, Dr. Renee explores the concept of companionship and unconditional love, in terms of our love for dogs as well as dogs' love for us. Along the way, readers meet Franny, a police dog who wasn't ready to retire, Daisy, a c... More
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After years of work as a veterinary oncologist, Dr. Renee Alsarraf was diagnosed with cancer herself. In this insightful and uplifting book, Dr. Renee explores the concept of companionship and unconditional love, in terms of our love for dogs as well as dogs' love for us. Along the way, readers meet Franny, a police dog who wasn't ready to retire, Daisy, a child's emotional support dog, and Dr. Renee's own Newtie, whose own illness mirrors the author's. A profound meditation on what it ultimately means to be human.

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