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The Essential Path: Overcoming Fear and Finding Freedom in an Ever-Cha

Author: Neale Donald Walsch.

The Essential Path: Overcoming Fear and Finding Freedom in an Ever-Cha

Author: Neale Donald Walsch.

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Rating stars - no reviews
Item #: D40088
Format: Paperback
Pages: 119
Publication Date: 2023
Publisher: St. Martin's
ISBN: 9781250779649
Our modern era is plagued by increasing alienation—we are seeing an "us against them" world, separated across political, economic, social, and spiritual lines. Here the author of Conversations with God invites us to question our basic assumptions about ourselves, about each other, about life and how it works, and about God, in order to rethink the very... More
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Our modern era is plagued by increasing alienation—we are seeing an "us against them" world, separated across political, economic, social, and spiritual lines. Here the author of Conversations with God invites us to question our basic assumptions about ourselves, about each other, about life and how it works, and about God, in order to rethink the very definition of humanity. In doing so, Neale Donald Walsch offers a radical solution with the power to change the world by transforming the individual.

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