Much as we may think of maps as being completely factual, in earlier centuries, they were littered with islands that did not even exist. From Lemuria to frozen Thule, Malachy Tallack takes a tour of these forgotten corners of the map. With beautiful, vivid paintings by the illustrator of Animalium, this book charts such locales as the Isles of the Blessed; Hawaiki, mythical homeland of the Polynesians; Fusang, China's mysterious land to the East; Kibu, the Australian isle of the dead; and Hufaidh, an enchanted isle in the marshes of Iraq.
The Un-Discovered Islands: An Achipelago of Myths & Mysteries Phantoms & Fake
Author: Malachy Tallack.
The Un-Discovered Islands: An Achipelago of Myths & Mysteries Phantoms & Fake
Author: Malachy Tallack.