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Think Like A Feminist: A Philosophy Behind the Revolution

Author: Carol Hay.

Think Like A Feminist: A Philosophy Behind the Revolution

Author: Carol Hay.

$25.95 $6.98
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Item #: D32954
Format: Hardback
Pages: 240
Publication Date: 2020
Publisher: W. W. Norton
ISBN: 9781324003090
In a time when the word "feminism" triggers all sorts of responses (many of them conflicting and misinformed), Carol Hay provides a balanced and inspiring examination of what it truly means to be a feminist today. Who counts as a woman, and who gets to decide? Why have men gotten away with sexual violence for so long? And what responsibility do women themsel... More
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In a time when the word "feminism" triggers all sorts of responses (many of them conflicting and misinformed), Carol Hay provides a balanced and inspiring examination of what it truly means to be a feminist today. Who counts as a woman, and who gets to decide? Why have men gotten away with sexual violence for so long? And what responsibility do women themselves bear for maintaining sexism? By exploring the philosophy underlying the feminist movement, Carol Hay brings the issues into focus, and anticipates the movement's future.

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