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Wonderdog: The Science of Dogs and Their Unique Friendship wi

Author: Jules Howard.

Wonderdog: The Science of Dogs and Their Unique Friendship wi

Author: Jules Howard.

$27.95 $7.98
Rating stars - no reviews
Item #: D41425
Format: Hardback
Pages: 288
Publication Date: 2022
Publisher: Pegasus
ISBN: 9781639362622
In the past decade, the domestic dog population has risen twenty percent, underscoring the central role they play in our lives. Zoologist Jules Howard explores the ever-evolving relationship between humans and our canine companions. He reaches back to Darwin, who attempted to create dog sign language, and to Pavlov and Pasteur, whose experiments were far mor... More
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In the past decade, the domestic dog population has risen twenty percent, underscoring the central role they play in our lives. Zoologist Jules Howard explores the ever-evolving relationship between humans and our canine companions. He reaches back to Darwin, who attempted to create dog sign language, and to Pavlov and Pasteur, whose experiments were far more sinister. With input from vets, neurologists, and historians, Wonderdog makes the case that dogs' understanding of us is not too far removed from ours of them.

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