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Yoga For Inflexible People

Author: Max & Liz Lowenstein.

Yoga For Inflexible People

Author: Max & Liz Lowenstein.

$19.99 $6.98
Item #: D33154
Format: Paperback
Pages: 160
Publication Date: 2020
Publisher: Thunder Bay
ISBN: 9781645174929
You don't need to be a world-class athlete to enjoy the benefits of yoga—all it takes is that first step (or stretch) and you're on your way. This beginners' guide will help you get started on your journey no matter your age, body type, or experience. More than 40 essential poses are featured, each with beginner, intermediate, and advanced positions so... More
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You don't need to be a world-class athlete to enjoy the benefits of yoga—all it takes is that first step (or stretch) and you're on your way. This beginners' guide will help you get started on your journey no matter your age, body type, or experience. More than 40 essential poses are featured, each with beginner, intermediate, and advanced positions so that you can gradually increase your flexibility and balance. Also included is information about basic equipment, breathing techniques, and lifestyle tips to round out your yoga practice.

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