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For Small Creatures Such As We: Rituals for Finding Meaning in Our Unlikely World

Author: Sasha Sagan.

For Small Creatures Such As We: Rituals for Finding Meaning in Our Unlikely World

Author: Sasha Sagan.

$26.00 $2.98
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Item #: D12458
Format: Hardcover
Pages: 288
Publication Date: 2019
Publisher: Putnam
ISBN: 9780735218772
The daughter of astronomer Carl Sagan and writer Ann Druyan, Sasha Sagan was taught that the natural world and the cosmos are full of profound beauty, and that science reveals truths more wondrous than any myth or fable. When Sagan herself became a mother, she began her own hunt for the natural phenomena behind our most treasured occasions—from births ... More
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The daughter of astronomer Carl Sagan and writer Ann Druyan, Sasha Sagan was taught that the natural world and the cosmos are full of profound beauty, and that science reveals truths more wondrous than any myth or fable. When Sagan herself became a mother, she began her own hunt for the natural phenomena behind our most treasured occasions—from births to deaths, holidays to weddings—growing these roots into a new set of secular rituals for her daughter that honor the joy and significance of each experience. In this celebratory book, she also pays tribute to the power of our families and beliefs to bring us together. "How often have you asked yourself: What is the meaning of life? Sasha Sagan finds its meaning everywhere…. Read her work; you'll have a deeper appreciation for your every step, every bite, and every breath."—Bill Nye

"She's Carl Sagan's daughter, and it shows…. Her style seems to inherit something from that grand master of scientific prose poetry…. A charming book, ringing with the joy of existence."—Richard Dawkins

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